LTA Youth tennis
This is a modern approach to tennis training. Forget standing around waiting for your turn to hit a forehand. Think dynamic sessions catered for all abilities. Specialist coaches will make sure every child has the best start to their tennis journey in a safe and inclusive environment.
Sessions cater to all abilities, so no one gets left behind.
We want to encourage children to play tennis throughout their lives – and be active too. So, if your child is aged 4-16yrs, why not give it a try?
Class sizes are small, a maximum of 6 children per coach, and cost £9.00 per 1hr session.
Individual junior lessons
1 hour individual Junior lesson £40 or £35 for HPTA members, additional £6 charge if under floodlights
Please email David at hovetennis@gmail.com
Explore the different Youth stages below.

BLUE: ages 4-5yrs
An introduction to tennis. We’ll help kids improve their balance, agility and co-ordination while teaching them about the sport we love.

Red: AGES 5-7yrs
This will look a bit more like the tennis! You’ll see overarm serves, rallies, and volleys. Coaches will help children to further develop their co-ordination, balance, and speed. We’ll introduce relaxed competition here too.

Orange: AGES 8-9yrs
Time to throw in some tactics, problem-solving, and guides to sportsmanship and leadership. At this stage children will know all the rules and will be serving and returning in matches.

Green: AGES 10-12yrs
This is the big one. It’s time for kids to play on full size courts. Now it’s all about growing their game by fine tuning and refining the techniques they’ve learned so far.

yellow: AGES 12+
Time to find your game. Playing on a full-size court with the same size balls the pros use, kids will continue to explore different styles on the court and start to choose their own.
9am: Blue (4-5yrs) and Red (5-7yrs)
10am: Red (5-7yrs) and Orange (8-9yrs)
11am: Green (10-12yrs) and Yellow (12+)
4:30pm: Teen matchplay (please email)
9am: Blue (4-5yrs) and Red (5-7yrs)
10am: Orange (8-9yrs) and Green (10-12yrs)
Sunday classes are now run by Tom Honeywood and are available to book via this link
4pm: Red (5-7yrs) & Orange (8-9yrs)